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"I come from this community's school's, parks and playgrounds. I know what happens up and down Bell Blvd and where people have businesses from Horace Harding and Springfield to 188th Street. These are my friends, my neighbors, and my family. I know what they like and what they despise most about Albany and career politicians. I'm not here to get paid or to serve endlessly, I'm here to represent OUR Community and OUR people. Because at the end of the day, we are the City of New York and the State of New York. We represent our community. Communities aren't just one person in Albany, WE are the community and this is OUR home. "


- Christopher R. Fuentes-Padilla (D), Candidate for NYS Assembly District 25



In my first year, among other legislation proposals, I plan to propose an end to the NYS Common Core Examinations. I will move forward with speaking to teachers, not school administrators, about the student's needs.


I will also propose legislation to place High School Equivalency in the hands of the Local Education Department. The state isn't there to see the student, they don't see their struggle to understand the fifty pages they force on them to read and write 100-page essays about. They don't see their progress in study courses and schooling only to sit at a foreign location and take a two-day five-part exam on things that not even regular High Schools get forced to read or solve.


Educational Reform will be a top priority for me and my staff. I will ensure our children get the education they deserve not loads of useless information and books or paperwork they'll never need in their future.


Homelessness in NYC is a major issue. And it doesn't seem like the City Council or Mayor's Office can handle it. So, within the end of my two-year term, I will ensure that the state takes the reigns of the Homelessness in NYC and fixes it for good. I will ensure legislation gets passed that makes it nearly impossible for people to be homeless or displaced for more than six months without a job. I will ensure that our communities aren't ridden with drugs, criminals or unsanitary conditions either.


Our community needs to take care of our own, but, they need to be able to bounce back up one day to return the favor.


That's why I will propose my Homeless, Displaced and Unemployed Citizens Success Program Act or "New York State of Success" Bill that ensures money and housing for homeless citizens will be provided within six months of displacement. The bill will also ensure drug testing, monthly check-ups, and job placement so that those who receive the program's services will be required to get back into society as actively working and tax paying citizens in three years.


As a former volunteer ambulance corps member, I have seen all too well the effects of Private Healthcare. The good/bad and ugly. Health Insurance is a must-have in our modern society and we should take that into account and ensure that legislation passes to maintain the healthcare provided to our state's most needy citizens.


However, I do take a very dim view on those who take advantage of the programs and services provided for Disabled, Senior and Infirm Citizens that cannot take those costs themselves. I will maintain integrity in our programs and call for the investigation into cases of fraud or misuse of health care funding or welfare.


And we should increase our ability to ensure medical and scientific research is funded but take fiscally responsible routes to do so.


I'm an Eagle Scout, I have seen the environment be negatively affected by our constant pollution of the waterways, parks and living habitats. We need to ensure that our state's remaining farmlands, forests, parks and natural waterways are protected. 


I want to see my children enjoy scouting and camping in the same camp I once did. I want to make sure that their future experiences aren't ruined by our decisions today.


That's why I won't vote for the passing of any state budget that lowers funding of our State's Parks or other Environmental Agencies. I want to see my family grow in a world where we take responsibility for our own contributions to the damage of our environment.


I'm in support of the feminist movement and their fight against the inequalities of the Private and Public Sector for female applicants and employees. I believe that Men in power have the responsibility to Act upon their right to equal pay and opportunities in their fields.


For many years, we've taken advantage of women's knowledge in Science, Medical Services, Finance, Government and many other fields. We've taken information and tips from women and claimed that it came from our minds, denying them the right to show that they can come up with a multitude of ideas that we will never in a million years see in front of us.


This is a great time for women to stand up and become active members of their communities and serve in political offices. So that's why effective the day I step into my office, not one woman who applies for employment in my office will be denied the ability to show their skills. Every applicant will be given two months to show me their skills and if they can make the cut they will get paid their worth.


Man or Woman we play equal roles in the election process, Community Service, and Business. Then we WILL play equal roles when we pay taxes, cash our checks and pay our bills. Because at the end of the day, we are neighbors and we deserve each other's respect, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation or identification.


I will ensure that the Assembly Adopts Similar Programs and offers top positions to qualified women in each district. And if we deny anyone, they will get a good reason and we will offer them the opportunity and the resources to fix the issue and come back in two months to try again. And if you worked during your 2 month trial with us, you will be paid, in full by the time you leave. If this rule is broken call me out with proof and I will ensure action is taken to fix it.


It is way too hard in New York State to be a successful entrepreneur. Small Businesses are shutting down while major companies come into their place. That destroys our community's sense of individuality and self-praise.


That's why I will ensure my time while in the district is spent talking to business owners about their issues and what the state can do better for their success. Our small business ARE our Community. They ensure that the community is visited by people from out of town and contribute to the community's non-profits and maybe even the owners live in our community. 


We will take priority in returning our community's small businesses to its rightful place among the state's responsibility to support.

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